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Office of Tribal Affairs 总统办公室



The 印第安人坟墓保护和遣返法案 (NAGPRA)和 California 印第安人坟墓保护和遣返法案 (CalNAGPRA) of 2001 establish the legal rights of lineal descendants, Tribal Nations, and Native Hawaiian Organizations with regard to their ancestral remains and cultural items (funerary objects, sacred items, 和文化遗产物品).

The laws respectively require any institution receiving federal/state funding to complete summaries and inventories of collections that may contain ancestral remains or cultural items, 并通知和咨询可能的直系后裔, 文化上的部落国家, or Native Hawaiian Organizations on the repatriation and appropriate handing of these collections.

有关NAGPRA的更多信息,请访问 National NAGPRA website.

有关CalNAGPRA的更多信息,请访问 NAHC的CalNAGPRA网站.


Sacramento State holds Native American ancestral remains and cultural items from numerous localities, 主要位于加州北部. These are housed in the campus 考古展览设施 (ACF), which acts as a repository for collections generated by past Department of Anthropology fieldwork and collections controlled by other state and federal agencies, 以及人类学博物馆.

Sacramento State is committed to fulfilling the University’s responsibilities under NAGPRA and CalNAGPRA. Repatriation activities at Sacramento State are led by a core staff with oversight by the 总统办公室 and the NAGPRA Implementation Committee. Mark Wheeler, Senior Advisor to the President, serves as the campus NAGPRA Designee. For questions regarding NAGPRA and CalNAGPRA at Sacramento State, please contact the NAGPRA CoordinatorSarah Eckhardt通过电子邮件发送到,致电(916)278-6292或邮寄至:

Sarah Eckhardt
NAGPRA Coordinator
总统办公室,MS 6106
6000 J Street


Sacramento State NAGPRA Implementation Committee oversees and counsels the University on matters relating to NAGPRA and CalNAGPRA. This includes making recommendations that are consistent with legislation and the mission of the University; offering recommendations on policies and procedures; reviewing claims and requests submitted by tribal nations; and providing guidance on other aspects of the appropriate implementation of repatriation law. 委员会每月开会一次。.

Currently, committee members include representatives of the University’s 人类学系, 种族研究系和美洲原住民研究项目, 一名外部公共机构代表, and three outside representatives from California Tribal Nations. This composition will be updated to meet the requirements set by CalNAGPRA upon the nomination and appointment of committee members by the NAHC and 加州州立大学 Chancellor’s Office.

Vacancies to the committee will be announced and nomination forms and instructions can be accessed through the Chancellor's Office.

Name Title Association  Role
Mark Wheeler Senior Advisor to the President; NAGPRA Designee Sacramento State Non-voting
Dianne Hyson Dean of SSIS Sacramento State Non-voting
Jacob Fisher Professor of Anthropology; Committee Chair Sacramento State Voting
Anthony Burris 美洲原住民研究助理教授 Sacramento State Voting
Annette Reed Chair of Ethnic Studies Department; Professor of Native American Studies Sacramento State Voting
Rose Soza战争战士 美洲原住民研究助理教授 Sacramento State Voting
Megon Noble NAGPRA项目经理 UC Davis Voting
Josef Fore 部落历史保护主任 联合奥本印第安人社区 Voting
Yvonne Perkins Tribal Council Member and 部落历史保护主任 Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation Voting
Andy Godsey 现场监控主管 米乌克印第安人的瓦勒泉乐队 Voting

Published Notices

The table below provides a list of Notices of Inventory Completion and Notices of Intent to Repatriate that Sacramento State has published to the Federal Register. Some are published in partnership with other Universities, or state and federal agencies.

Site/Collection Type of Notice Date Published Status MNI Number of Objects Citation/Link
CA-NAP-26, NAP-52, NAP-74, NAP-87, NAP-94, NAP-97, NAP-98, SOL-Green Valley 存货完成通知书 06/03/2024 Repatriated 42 10,484 Vol. 89, No . 107, Page 47603-47604
CA-NAP-47, NAP-79, NAP-88, NAP-99, NAP-100, NAP-108, NAP-109, NAP-112, NAP-113, S-NAP-3, S-NAP-4, SOL-30, SOL-55, SOL-281 遣返意向通知 06/03/2024 Repatriated 0 291 Vol. 89, No . 107, Page 47599-47600
-60 -61 -303 -304 遣返意向通知 05/09/2024 Repatriated 0 311 Vol. 89, No. 91,第39640-39641页
-301, -302, -669 存货完成通知书 05/09/2024 Repatriated 9 61,419 Vol. 89, No. 91,第39645-39646页
CA-YOL-13, 18, 44, 45, 51, 52, 58, Hall Mound, and Unnamed Site 存货完成通知书 04/16/2024 Repatriated 18 6,346 Vol. 89, No. 74, Page 26912-13
CA-YOL-07, 42, 47, 49,约洛县未知位置 遣返意向通知 04/16/2024 Repatriated 0 106 Vol. 89, No. 74, Page 26914
CA-AMA-06, 07, 21, 25, 41, 51, 53, 65, 67, 78, 96, 97, 105, 255 Correction 03/08/2024 Repatriated 0 108 Vol. 89, No. 47, Page 16797
-04 -05 -08 -45 -50 -76 遣返意向通知 03/08/2024 Repatriated 0 18,985 Vol. 89, No. 47, Page 16797-98
-03, -23, -49, -70, 91 存货完成通知书 03/08/2024 Repatriated 31 26,365 Vol. 89, No. 40, Page 16790-92
CA-SAC-17, -57, -217, -224, -234, -243, -250, -277, -278, -279, -280, -315, -320, -370, -390, “消费者耕种网站#1”, “Cameron Ranch”, “Bottimore Ranch” and three unknown locations within Sacramento County 遣返意向通知 02/28/2024 多重索赔/部分汇回  0 372 Vol. 89, No. 40, Page 14705-06
CA-SAC-29 存货完成通知书 02/28/2024 Repatriated 486 643,304 Vol. 89, No. 40, Page 14704-05
CA-SAC-39, -53, -54, -67, -116, -117, -125, -129, -133, -134, -135, -136 , -147, -164, -168, -185, -194, -202, -203, -205, -208, -221, -225, -230, -237, -239, -241, -265, -267, -285, -476/H, “Cabin Site”, “Horst Ranch”, 科多瓦牧场附近的一个未知地点, 以及萨克拉门托县一处未知地点 存货完成通知书 02/28/2024 多重索赔/部分汇回 194 100,318 Vol. 89, No. 40, Page 14707-10
CA-SAC-16, -26, -31, -32, 192, -199 存货完成通知书 2/22/2024 Repatriated 104 402,234
Vol. 89, No. 36, Page 13360-61
CA-PLA-36, 38, 47, 63, 64, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 83, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 99, 105, 106, 107, 225, 271, 292, 663, 2879, 2907, 2908, CA-YUB-05, 还有没有三叉的位置 遣返意向通知 10/23/2023 Repatriated 0 53 lots Vol. 88, No. 203页,27285-27286
CA-PLA-14、41、68、85、86、87、142、194,未知 存货完成通知书 10/23/2023 Repatriated 27 71 lots Vol. 88, No. 203,第72786-72788页
CA-YUB-27和YUB-751 存货完成通知书 10/23/2023 Repatriated 12 23 lots Vol. 88, No. 203,第72781-72782页
CA-SUT-32 存货完成通知书 10/23/2023 Repatriated 2 0 Vol. 88, No. 203,第72779-72780页
CA-SAC-127 Amendment 10/23/2023 Repatriated 0 3 Vol. 88, No. 203,第72790-72791页
CA-SAC-166 存货完成通知书 10/23/2023 Repatriated 0 1 Vol. 88, No. 203,第72780-72781页
CA-SAC-159 遣返意向通知 8/28/2023 Repatriated 0 2 Vol. 88, No. 165,第58616-58617页
CA-SAC-42 存货完成通知书 8/28/2023 Repatriated 8 18,006 Vol. 88, No. 165页58609-58610
CA-SAC-06, 21, 56, 66, 72/73, 75, 85, 106, 107, 126, Fessler Mound, Oak Tree 存货完成通知书 7/21/2023 Repatriated 62 21,565 Vol. 88, No. 139 Page 47160-47162
CA-YOL-30 存货完成通知书 7/21/2023 Repatriated 2 10 Vol. 88, No. 139,第47166-47167页
CA-SAC-01, 25, 28, 35, 43, 64, 109, 111, 197, Sherman Island, and Unknown; CA-YOL-29, 53, and 54  遣返意向通知 7/21/2023 Repatriated 0 1,061 Vol. 88, No. 139, Page 47170 
CA-STA-Unknown; CA-TUO-Tulloch Cave, Etnazum Cave, Sonora, Unknown; and Sierra Foothills of Northern California  遣返意向通知 06/16/2023 Repatriated 0 29 Vol. 88, No. 116页39453-39454
ca - two洞穴人洞穴 存货完成通知书 06/16/2023 Repatriated 1 0 Vol. 88, No. 116页39454-39455
CA-YOL-15和YOL-106 存货完成通知书 03/02/2023 Repatriated 5 520 Vol. 88, No. 41,第13148-13149页
CA-YOL-16, YOL-71,以及Capay山谷的未知地点 遣返意向通知 03/02/2023 Repatriated 0 61 Vol. 88, No. 41, Page 13147
CA-AMA-06, 07, 21, 25, 41, 51, 53, 65, 67, 78, 96, 97, 105, 255 遣返意向通知 03/02/2023 Repatriated 0 108 Vol. 88, No. 41,第13146-13147页
CA-SAC-127 存货完成通知书 03/02/2023 Repatriated 378 24,850 Vol. 88, No. 41,第13147-13148页
CA-SAC-113 存货完成通知书 03/02/2023 Repatriated 1 323 Vol. 88, No. 41,第13147-13148页
CA-SAC-16 遣返意向通知 09/27/2021 Repatriated 0 393 Vol. 86, No. 184页,53344-53345
CA-SAC-16 存货完成通知书 09/27/2021 Repatriated 0 428 Vol. 86, No. 184页,53343-53344页 
CA-SAC-166 存货完成通知书 04/22/2021 Repatriated 10 7,069 Vol. 86, No. 76,页21346-21347
Zallio (CA-SBA-Happy Canyon)  遣返意向通知 04/22/2021 无索赔或请求 0 2 Vol. 86, No. 76,页21345-21346
Zallio (CA-SBA-Sudden #1) 存货完成通知书 04/22/2021 无索赔或请求 1 1 Vol. 86, No. 76, Page 21344-21345
Zallio (CA-SAC-157) 存货完成通知书  08/03/2020 Repatriated 0 42 Vol. 85, No. 149页,46704-46705
CA-SJO-91 Correction 04/04/2018 Repatriated 0 4,670 Vol. 83, No. 65, Page 14496
Zallio (Nisenan部分) Correction 04/28/2015 Repatriated N/A N/A Vol. 80, No. 81,第23577-23578页
Zallio (CA-SAC-06, SAC-21, SAC-56, SAC-66, SAC-72/73, SAC-75, SAC-85, SAC-109, SAC-113, SAC-120, SAC-122, SAC-126, SJO-68, YOL-45, YOL-49, YOL-53) 存货完成通知书  02/06/2015 Repatriated 66 33 Vol. 80, No. 25, Page 6751-6755 
Zallio (CA-SAC-157, YOL-13) 存货完成通知书  02/04/2015 Repatriated 7 0 Vol. 80, No. 23, Page 6118-6119 
Zallio (CA-SAC-26, SAC-29, pla -玫瑰泉丘)  遣返意向通知 02/04/2015 Repatriated 0 14 Vol. 80, No. 23, Page 6130-6131
Zallio (Unknown locations in Amador, Sacramento and Yolo Counties) 存货完成通知书 02/04/2015 Repatriated 146 16 Vol. 80, No. 23, Page 6121-6124 
Zallio (CA-SAC-06, SAC-21, SAC-56, SAC-66, SAC-72/73, SAC-109, SAC-113, YOL-45, YOL-53 and YOL-54) 遣返意向通知  02/04/2015 Repatriated 0 163 Vol. 80, No. 23, Page 6132-6135
Zallio (CA-COL-01和COL-02) 存货完成通知书 02/04/2015 Repatriated 7 0 Vol. 80, No. 23, Page 6102-6104
CA-SJO-17 遣返意向通知 09/10/2014 Repatriated 0 199 Vol. 79, No. 175页,53779-53780
CA-SJO-17 存货完成通知书 09/10/2014 Repatriated 15 42 Vol. 79, No. 175页53760-53761
CA-SAC-16 存货完成通知书 03/15/2011 Repatriated 123 3,451 Vol. 76, No. 50, 14052-14054页
CA-SAC-16 遣返意向通知 03/15/2011 Repatriated 0 527 Vol. 76, No. 50页,14049-14050
CA-SJO-91 存货完成通知书  03/15/2011 Repatriated 498 4,667 Vol. 76, No. 50, 14055-14056页
CA-SJO-91 遣返意向通知 03/15/2011 Repatriated 0 393 Vol. 76, No. 50,第14047-14048页 
Ca-sha-385 ca-sha-395 ca-sha-396 ca-sha-409 存货完成通知书  09/13/2005 Repatriated 8 0 Vol. 70, No. 176页54074-54075


Sacramento State submitted Preliminary Inventories and Summaries of our archaeological and ethnographic collections from California to the 加州印第安人遗产委员会 (NAHC), 根据CalNAGPRA的要求. These inventories and summaries are now available for review on the NAHC's website.

萨克拉门托州NAGPRA政策 & Procedures  

Sacramento State is currently drafting updated NAGPRA and CalNAGPRA policies and procedures that will be posted here once they have been finalized and approved.


The table below provides links to the forms Sacramento State uses for NAGPRA. Each form should be completed and sent to the NAGPRA Coordinator, Sarah Eckhardt, either via email or mail to:

Sarah Eckhardt
NAGPRA Coordinator
总统办公室,MS 6106
6000 J Street

For help drafting a claim, please reach out to the NAGPRA Coordinator.

Form Name and Link Description
咨询/参观/查阅申请表 Used by interested lineal descendants and tribes to arrange a consultation/visit/viewing of a NAGPRA collection(s) held at Sacramento State. 
Records Request  用来请求访问ACF的档案. 这些都是逐案处理的.
补充签名表格  用于记录签名, names, tribes, and dates of authorized NAGPRA Designees for tribes submitting a claim or request together. Tribes filing jointly should still submit a claim letter or Request Form to identify the specific collection(s) and/or object(s) they are claiming or requesting. However, the “补充签名表格” must accompany the claim letter or Request Form so that the University has written verification that each participating tribe has authorized the joint claim or request.



External Resources