
大学交通 & 停车服务 加州州立大学,萨克拉门托


支付引用 & 费用

The citation fee includes the base fee and those additional surcharges required by 加州 Government Code 76000.

As required, by 加州 Education Code 89701.5, parking citation fees shall be used exclusively for the development, enhancement and operation of alternate methods of transportation programs for students and employees, for the mitigation of the impact of off-campus student and employee parking in university communities and for the administration of the parking fines and forfeitures programs.


Failure to pay or appeal the citation by the 14th calendar day after the date of the reminder notice may result in the following actions:

  • Forfeit of all rights to an appeal of the citation
  • A late fee ($28) may be added to the cost (penalty) of the citation
  • A hold may be placed on the registered owner's vehicle registration with the Department of Motor Vehicles preventing registration renewal until all outstanding citation and late fees are paid in full
  • A hold may be placed on the 萨克拉门托州 student's academic records and class registration
  • The recipient of a citation may be responsible for any collection costs related to collecting the debt
  • Multiple unpaid citations may result in the immobilization or towing and impounding of the vehicle at owners expense

选择 & 有争议的引用

  • 有一个正式的过程 引用上诉.
  • 停车 citation payment plans are available pursuant to Policy 4071.

To qualify for a payment plan you must have $200 in citations or at least 2 unpaid citations. 这是25美元.参加付款计划的费用是00美元. 1st 付款是总金额的10%. In order to enroll, you also must have a valid semester parking permit. If a semester parking permit is not purchased, your plan will default. The plan cannot be modified to include additional citations, nor will any additional or concurrent payment plans be offered. 滞纳金将不会被取消, but any late fees not yet applied will be placed in abeyance while the payment plan is in place. 如果个人拖欠付款计划, subsequent payment plans will not be offered for those citations and any late fees placed in abeyance will be immediately reinstated. 逾期付款没有宽限期. Payments must be paid at the UTAPS office or via mail. If you would like to participate in the payment plan you will need to come to our office to apply. 我们位于迎宾中心.


停车 permit regulations are strictly enforced 24 hours per day, 一周七天, 一年365天. 所有的规定在任何时候都是强制执行的.

违反数量 CA车辆代码 Title 描述 罚款费用
3A.1 CVC 21113(一) 没有有效的停车许可证 A vehicle is parked on campus and does not have an active parking session or permit displayed. $43
3A.4 CVC 21113(一) 校园车辆超过1辆 Two or more vehicles are registered to the same parking permit and parked on campus at the same time. $58
3A.6 CVC 21113(一) 不正当地展示许可证 The front and/or back license plate(s) are missing or not visible to the officer. A permit is displayed in the wrong location and/or the permit information is not visible to the officer. $43
3A.8 CVC 21113(一) 无活动会话 A vehicle is parked in an electric vehicle space without an active charging session. $43
3B.2 CVC 21113(一) 欺诈或未经授权使用许可证  Permit is being used/displayed fraudulently as noted by the officer on the citation. $133
4A.1 CVC 21113 (a) 把车停在界外 A vehicle is found to be parked over a parking space boundary line in a way that obstructs parking or traffic. $43
4A.2 CVC 21113 (a) 停在两(2)个车位 A vehicle is found to be parked in two parking spaces in such a way that another vehicle is unable to occupy the second space. $43
4A.3 CVC 22500 (a) 把车停在车道上 A vehicle is parked in a lane used for moving vehicles (such as in a parking lot, 校园道路, 等等). $43
4B.0 CVC 21113(一) 未停在指定区域 A vehicle parks in a lot or area displaying an improper yet valid permit (for example, a valid student permit or daily permit is displayed in a vehicle located in staff lot). $43
4B.2 CVC 21113(一) 没有停在指定的停车位 A vehicle parks in a lot or area displaying an improper yet valid permit (for example, a valid student permit or daily permit is displayed in a vehicle located on diagonal lines, 在泥土上, 或者在人行道上). $43
4D.1 CVC 22507.8 未经授权使用禁区 A vehicle is parked in a lot or area designated for disabled parking only. Vehicles parked in these areas (clearly marked with blue disabled signs and blue painted delineations) that do not clearly display a valid disabled permit (issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles) are in violation of this section. Furthermore, vehicles parked in these areas must display a valid daily or semester permit per Section 42201 of Title 5 of the 加州 Code of Regulations. $333
4D.4 CVC 21113(一) 停在红色区域 一辆车停在红色的路边. $43
4D.7 CVC 21113(一) 任何时候都禁止停车  任何时候都禁止停车. $43
4D.8 CVC 21113(一) 停在装货区 A vehicle is in a loading zone over the time limit. Also, active loading and unloading is required. $43
4E CVC 21113(一) 夜间停车 一辆车未经批准停放过夜. $43
4D.10 CVC 21113(一) 加班停车,时区 A vehicle exceeds the posted limit in a timed zone. $43
4D.11 CVC 21113(一) 超时停车,许可证过期   $43
4D.12 CVC 22500.1 在消防道停车 一辆车停在消防车道上. Fire lanes are usually designated as such with the words “Fire Lane” painted on the pavement. $43


Citations can be paid in person at the UTAPS office located in the Welcome Center, 工作日早上8点开始.m. – 5 p.m.


  • 现金
  • 支票(印有姓名及地址)
  • 钱的订单
  • 信用卡:Discover, Mastercard, VISA
  • 收费
  • Large quantities of coin must be in coin wrappers with campus ID number and/or driver's license number written on the outside of the wrapper(s), i.e. 超过50美分, 2美元的镍币, 5美元的一角硬币, 硬币面值10美元, 10美元换成半美元, 25美元的小硬币.

Citation payments are posted on the date received. 任何学术信息将在夜间发布. It is the citation recipient’s responsibility to ensure that payment is received by the due date.


开具支票或汇票,收款人为 萨克拉门托州 并邮寄付款至:



  • 公司lude the citation number and the vehicle license plate number on the front of the payment.
  • 确保投寄地址清晰可辨, in case we need to contact the citation holder concerning any questions regarding the payment.
  • 允许时间交付所有邮寄付款.
  • 不要寄现金.


  1. 使用您的Sac州立电子邮件地址登录 网上泊车服务.
  2. 选择“付费引用”选项.